Your support matters
There are many ways an individual, family, or business can make a charitable contribution to the Stoughton Opera House Friends Association. Your support can make a big difference for arts and culture in our community!
This is the easiest way to give! Donate to the SOHFA Fund in a lump sum, or make a recurring donation that will help sustain the opera house. Making an outright gift of gratitude is as simple as writing a check or authorizing a charge on your credit card. It’s easy and convenient. DONATE to SOHFA Fund
Stock that has increased in value is one of the most popular assets used for charitable giving, once it has been held for a minimum of a year. Making a gift of stock to us offers you the chance to help our organization while realizing many important benefits for yourself.
If you’re like many others, your financial future will likely depend on your retirement plan assets. To maximize the value of a retirement account, consider making a lifetime gift of its after-tax values to a tax-exempt deferred giving plan.
Savings bonds — likely the nation’s most widely held appreciated asset—represent major assets that may have stopped growing and are now collecting dust, just waiting to be put to use. A tax-wise use for your appreciated savings bonds is to support a cause you care about.
Using real estate, such as your house, farm or commercial property to fund a gift allows you to preserve your cash assets, receive significant tax and income advantages, and make a larger charitable gift than anticipated.
Donating an old life insurance policy you no longer need, could be a wonderful way to fulfill your desire to support our organization. By making Stoughton Opera House Friends Association the beneficiary of a matured policy, you receive a tax deduction for the value of the policy or the net premiums paid on the policy, whichever is less. You can also take out a new policy or gift an existing policy on which payments are still being made. Your premium payments may be deducted as gifts each year.
The most common planned gift is a bequest in a will. This bequest can be a dollar amount or stated as a percentage of the estate. This gift avoids probate on the amount gifted to charity, which can have positive tax consequences for loved ones who also receive bequests.
This extraordinary plan offers you income for a period of years or your lifetime. Then after your death our organization, as the beneficiary, receives the remainder of the principal in the trust.
Individuals 72 years and older are able to transfer funds from a traditional IRA directly to Stoughton Opera House Friends Association to count towards satisfying their required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year.
A DAF is a charitable investment account for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations. As a 501(c)(3), Stoughton Opera House Friends Association is eligible to receive DAF gifts. The DAF when coupled with “bunching” or “doubling up” your itemized deductions can prove to be an easy tax savings way to donate to charities.
Have a question about the best way to support the Stoughton Opera House? We'd be happy to advise and answer any questions you might have. To learn about more ways to give or speak with us today about a donation to help preserve the beautiful Stoughton Opera House, please call Christina Dollhausen, Development Coordinator, at (608) 209-7727 or email christina@stoughtonoperahousefriends.org
The Stoughton Opera House Friends Association is a 501-c-3 nonprofit. Your gift to SOHFA is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.