The Stoughton Opera House is housed within the historic City Hall building in the heart of downtown Stoughton, Wisconsin.
Dedicated to supporting the historic Stoughton Opera House
The Stoughton Opera House Friends Association (SOHFA) is dedicated to the continued success of the treasured Stoughton Opera House, a fixture in south-central Wisconsin's arts community. SOHFA aims to sustain the Opera House as a first-class performing arts facility through philanthropy, awareness building, and volunteer support. Please join us!
Please note that SOHFA is not affiliated with the City of Stoughton, but works closely with the Stoughton Opera House's professional staff and city-appointed board of directors to ensure that the Stoughton Opera House has a bright future.
SOHFA believes that a vibrant arts presence not only helps a community socially and culturally, but economically as well. As such, it is vital that the Stoughton Opera House remains a thriving part of Stoughton's community and economy.
According to the Wisconsin Arts Board, Wisconsin's nonprofit arts and culture industry generated $933.3 million in economic activity in 2022 alone. That economic activity - $437.1 million in spending by nonprofit arts and culture organizations and $496.2 million in event-related spending by their audiences (above and beyond the cost of the ticket) - supported 15,851 jobs and generated $190.1 million in local, state, and federal government revenue.
"Increased investment in the creative sector will help grow and stabilize Wisconsin’s creative economy, workforce, and communities. Wisconsin’s arts and cultural assets are more important than ever to revitalize the economy, develop a 21st century workforce and incubate, attract and retain talent, provide opportunities for all, and help our communities, large and small, thrive."
The Stoughton Opera House Friends Association has three primary functions:
Coordinate and manage the Catfish River Music Festival, an annual fundraising event that benefits the Stoughton Opera House.
Build and administer the Stoughton Opera House Friends Association Fund a collection of charitable funds that support the mission, programs, and facilities of the Stoughton Opera House.
Encourage and accept charitable gifts from donors, private and public foundations, and corporate entities on behalf of the Stoughton Opera House.